I love this so much! The meta aspects make it so unique. I'm really looking forward to seeing more. Septem is my favorite so far. He's just so deeply demented and elegant at the same time, I can't resist. But I also really love Nulla too! Design-wise, he's probably the most attractive for me. Also, the music freaks me out in the best way.
If I had one critique, it's that some of the lines are still un-translated to English in the English version. It didn't bother me too much though, since I do know a little Spanish, and it's something that's easy to fix. 😄 Definitely going to be keeping an eye on this project!
EDIT: I found the "hidden route." I still really like Septem, but Nulla is now my favorite. That is all. I will not spoil.
I love metafiction, both its concept and the execution that can be put into its works... I couldn't stand not having more works like that to read or play, so I tried to make one.
I really hope it lives up to it.
As for translation problems, I hope that in the next update there will not be any, I will do my best!
ANDDDD, SEPTEM IS THE BEST, I LOVE THAT RAT, next update we will know what he wants and who he really is (^^) haha
Thank you for replying! It's good to know this is still being worked on. I'm so excited for the next update. I can't wait to see more Nulla and Septem! (And Unum is growing on me too actually.)
Oh my God? Where do I even begin?! I had the absolute pleasure of stumbling upon this two weeks ago and proceeded to sit down late at night to check it out.
What an absolute treat this game was. Biblical horror is one of my favourite genres and I loved everything about this. From the Angel designs to the references to religion in the worldbuilding, this was one of the best hours spent.
I got lost in the story, the characters and was so intrigued I desperately wanted more.
Nulla is my favourite character and I loved how well you did his personality and teased his inner thoughts and motives too.
What an incredible world, story, characters, art and experience. Thank you for making this. I was so lucky to get to experience something so gripping and incredible! Truly was a gift to play and I hope to keep supporting!
i've already unlocked all (?) the possible routes and i can say with a surety that i love where this game's heading. plus, the lore too! i really love the storyline.
and i'm pretty much in love with your artstyle: from the colors, backgrounds, and expressions, they all have their charm to it and fit into the game so nicely. i'm looking forward for the future updates, but please don't feel pressured and take as long as you want with the game 💞 you're doing lovely.
p.s. i wish i could follow you elsewhere other than twitter, i only have instagram & tumblr<\3
+ also i hope you don't mind some fanart of lil unum!
i'm sure a lot of us will love the next update luv, we're looking forward to it ^_^ take care of yourself n stay hydrated! lmk when u make a tumblr i'd love to follow u 💞
Okay so I absolutely love this game, my favorite type of yandere is fr gods or some being like that. Like I think this is amazing. My favorite is Unum bc he's so silly and barely serious and it seems like Septem is an even bigger ass then him because Unum just a little gremlin so like i had to draw Unum because you know.
Literaly cant wait until theres more! I love this SO SO much🤩🤩
I'm really happy you like my art! =D I'm planning to make more too because I'm working on Halloween decorations in real life and I wanna draw Unum with a little devil costume on or something. I think it'd be adorable 🤗 when I draw it I'll send another picture in the comments. I'm also super super happy that you accept fanart because I love drawing fan art! <3 Also thanks to you for creating the game!!!🤩
Oh my God. A couple of days ago, I decided to play this novel and GOD, IT FEELS GOOD. I liked the plot and the little intrigue about who we are, what we are and what will happen to us after meeting the gods. AND yes, I F*CKING ADORE NULLA. I want to branch with him and this intrigue will definitely make me wait for a new part or update now :D
Thank you for your hard work. And I will try to make good fanarts for your game.
OMG :0 I'm looking forward to the update! And yes, I was talking about fanarts, but so far I have only one sketch ^^" I will wait for the development of the plot and how everything will go...
By the way, it was fun to find unused art in the game folder;3
Holaholaaa, ajdjajdj por ahora no tengo pensado en hacer una ruta con Fames 😭 por temas de tiempo, peeero en algún futuro, tal vez! Pero tengo que avisar ahora queee, le cambié un poco el diseño hahdhs pero solo la máscara jaaaa.
El programa que uso es Renpy! Y el paint tool Sai para los dibujos (sé que hay mejores programas para dibujar en digital, pero lo mío con el Sai es algo serio,,,, no lo puedo soltar).
Cuando hagas tu novela, avísameeeee, me encantaría jugarla.
comiste, devoraste, te comiste a dios, increible, la historia es bellísima me encanto, el arte es de lo mejor que he visto, este juego es de los mejores que he visto, la historia es tan buena y tan bien escrita que me me deja con la boca abierta, sigue devorando.
El concepto es muy interesante y novedoso. El poder de romper la cuarta pared es algo que encuentro divertido y el arte es muy bello. Me gusta el diseño de los personajes, son diversos entre sí y es muy facil diferenciarlos, aunque tengo mis dudas con Fames ( ╥ω╥ ). Pero el punto es que es un juego atrayente por su historia y diseño!! Me llena de curiosidad cómo podremos interactuar a futuro con los personajes, asi que ánimo porque está super!! ╰(▔∀▔)╯
Ahhhhh muchas gracias por tu comentario, no sabes lo bien que me hizo leerlo.
Y en cuanto a Fames, ajfjfj creo que le cambiaré el diseño ya que fue muy atrevido hacerlo así ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ), pido disculpas públicas a cualquiera que se haya sentido incómod@ con eso.
Por otro lado, vayan preparándose porque se viene lore ajdjajdj.
Termine de jugar la demo y quede totalmente maravillada, valió la pena pasármela estresada rompiéndome la cabeza pensando que elegiría, me encanta el argumento con el cual estamos empezando es realmente novedoso, el diseño de los personajes de verdad lo ame (me encanto Nulla siento que tiene un leve parecido a Vincent de dead plate y eso hizo que lo amara el doble) y extrañamente el punto que más adore fueron los temas musicales me la pase bailando como por 5 minutos el tema de la ruta de Unum por lo pegadiza que es. Esperare por la segunda parte, estoy realmente intrigada con la trama y quiero saber más de todo este temaa.
Uyyy con Unum se vienen cositas ajfjdjfj. Me alegra que te haya gustado la demo. La segunda parte estaría llegando dentro de un messs, ya tengo el guión y todo.
Por último, Muchas gracias por tu comentario ( ˘ ³˘)♥
La demo del juego es increíble, los dibujos son hermosos y la historia es fascinante, espero que puedas continuarlo, te felicito, todo en general está precioso :)
NoOoo, te dice algo al intentar ejecutarlo o de plano no abre? De igual manera estoy viendo una solución para que sea una descarga a parte para los que tengan Mac... Pues parece que al estar todo en la misma carpeta hace conflicto con Mac.
I am honestly quite drawn with the artwork, the warmth of it is amazing, yet chilling for some unknown reason, as if to appear to look like they have a life but truly do not at the heart of it. The storyline seemed to be pretty good as well, overall I hope to get more updates and see what is to come, there is a lot of potential.
I decided to do a little something and yap endlessly with Unum, who was surprisingly positive about it? I thought he'd cut off the puppet's tongue and be the only one to talk or so. I did it with Septem and he didn't kill me which was a surprise as well. Either ways, I'm quite looking forward to their "dates"? As well as whoever is to come in the future.Untranslated areas, bugs and other issues:https://snipboard.io/YbTjRI.jpg < this happens when we choose to keep our eyes closed.
As for Nulla’s route, I don’t think so. I entered in and if I chose to introduce myself as the player and choose Nulla, the game stops (of course) and if I normally introduced myself and then chose Nulla, he dismissed me and doesn’t become an option.
I think I made the way to access that route a little complicated haha.... I will change it in the future!
If you would like to do Nulla's route: Try to start a new game and get to where you find Nulla for the first time... after opening your eyes, And Ta channn you got the preview of Nulla's route.
Oh, of course I’d do it! I checked it out and it was unexpected, reminded me of Monika a bit honestly. I had no idea he’d even wipe off his own memory like that, I hope we get more of his route because the how factor is interesting. From what I remember, he also mentions being stuck in a loop, which makes me believe that we as players have tinkered with the game more times than we are aware of.
← Return to game
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I love this so much! The meta aspects make it so unique. I'm really looking forward to seeing more. Septem is my favorite so far. He's just so deeply demented and elegant at the same time, I can't resist. But I also really love Nulla too! Design-wise, he's probably the most attractive for me. Also, the music freaks me out in the best way.
If I had one critique, it's that some of the lines are still un-translated to English in the English version. It didn't bother me too much though, since I do know a little Spanish, and it's something that's easy to fix. 😄 Definitely going to be keeping an eye on this project!
EDIT: I found the "hidden route." I still really like Septem, but Nulla is now my favorite. That is all. I will not spoil.
Ahhh thank youuu💕
I love metafiction, both its concept and the execution that can be put into its works... I couldn't stand not having more works like that to read or play, so I tried to make one.
I really hope it lives up to it.
As for translation problems, I hope that in the next update there will not be any, I will do my best!
ANDDDD, SEPTEM IS THE BEST, I LOVE THAT RAT, next update we will know what he wants and who he really is (^^) haha
Thank you for replying! It's good to know this is still being worked on. I'm so excited for the next update. I can't wait to see more Nulla and Septem! (And Unum is growing on me too actually.)
Oh my God? Where do I even begin?! I had the absolute pleasure of stumbling upon this two weeks ago and proceeded to sit down late at night to check it out.
What an absolute treat this game was. Biblical horror is one of my favourite genres and I loved everything about this. From the Angel designs to the references to religion in the worldbuilding, this was one of the best hours spent.
I got lost in the story, the characters and was so intrigued I desperately wanted more.
Nulla is my favourite character and I loved how well you did his personality and teased his inner thoughts and motives too.
What an incredible world, story, characters, art and experience. Thank you for making this. I was so lucky to get to experience something so gripping and incredible! Truly was a gift to play and I hope to keep supporting!
Thank you for your comment!💕 And thank you for the playthrough (I definitely will see it 💕).
And yes! The games has intentional Biblical references, cus I lovee the concept! Hope it doesn't offended anyone (・ัω・ั).
Hope you can play the next update! we will know what's the deal with Nulla, what he wants and maybe who he really is (^^) haha
if u don't mind me asking, how much u take time to do this art?? it really amazing!! (English is not my main language soooo yeah)
Hii, don't worry, English is not my main lenguage too.
Hmmm, I really don't know how much time it takes exactly, maybe 30 o 45 minutes per picture? Idk usually I draw more than one in one sit.
thank you! , And another question if u don't mind how much to take to do coding part?
i've already unlocked all (?) the possible routes and i can say with a surety that i love where this game's heading. plus, the lore too! i really love the storyline.
and i'm pretty much in love with your artstyle: from the colors, backgrounds, and expressions, they all have their charm to it and fit into the game so nicely. i'm looking forward for the future updates, but please don't feel pressured and take as long as you want with the game 💞 you're doing lovely.
p.s. i wish i could follow you elsewhere other than twitter, i only have instagram & tumblr<\3
+ also i hope you don't mind some fanart of lil unum!
I'm in loveee with this Unum AAAA (●♡∀♡), thank you for your lovely comment and your art💕
And buuh I don't have any social media outside Twitter :(, maybe I will open an account on Tumblr!!
Hope you like the next update,,,, when it comes.
i'm sure a lot of us will love the next update luv, we're looking forward to it ^_^ take care of yourself n stay hydrated! lmk when u make a tumblr i'd love to follow u 💞
Okay so I absolutely love this game, my favorite type of yandere is fr gods or some being like that. Like I think this is amazing. My favorite is Unum bc he's so silly and barely serious and it seems like Septem is an even bigger ass then him because Unum just a little gremlin so like i had to draw Unum because you know.
Literaly cant wait until theres more! I love this SO SO much🤩🤩
Awesome drawings.
Tysm 🤩 I think Unum is adorable all the way around so I had to draw him adorable 🤗
Thank youuu for your comment!💕 And YEAHH, Unum is so cute and unserious .
on the other hand, I LOVE YOUR ART AND THE WAY YOU DREW UNUM(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
For me to be able to see the fanarts of the game is something I can't really put in words, thanks you so muchhhh(ʃƪ^3^)
I'm really happy you like my art! =D I'm planning to make more too because I'm working on Halloween decorations in real life and I wanna draw Unum with a little devil costume on or something. I think it'd be adorable 🤗 when I draw it I'll send another picture in the comments. I'm also super super happy that you accept fanart because I love drawing fan art! <3 Also thanks to you for creating the game!!!🤩
All hail to the silly lil guy(Unum)‼️😋
WAAAAAAA 🫦😻I loveeeee how to draw Unum, it comes out so beautiful and i love how his unhinged aura is always present!!
You know there is no endings in this game yet it's in development.
Thank youuu for your playthrough! I'm going to check it and leave a comment in the video if you don't mind (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Oh my God. A couple of days ago, I decided to play this novel and GOD, IT FEELS GOOD. I liked the plot and the little intrigue about who we are, what we are and what will happen to us after meeting the gods. AND yes, I F*CKING ADORE NULLA. I want to branch with him and this intrigue will definitely make me wait for a new part or update now :D
Thank you for your hard work. And I will try to make good fanarts for your game.
Aaa I'm glad you liked the demo so far! Hope you can play the next update!
Anddd yes yyesyees I understand how you feel about Nullaaa ,cus same (>0<;)
I'm looking forward to the update! And yes, I was talking about fanarts, but so far I have only one sketch ^^"
I will wait for the development of the plot and how everything will go...
By the way, it was fun to find unused art in the game folder;3GOD HOW HAD I NOT SEEN THIS!!! it's beautiful!!!!💕💕💕 I just ajdjajdjsAAAAAAA💘
Yo quiero una ruta con el cocinero Fames😅❤️
Por cierto, ¿Con que programa has hecho el juego? Es que me gustaría hacer mi propia novela visual algún día UwU
Holaholaaa, ajdjajdj por ahora no tengo pensado en hacer una ruta con Fames 😭 por temas de tiempo, peeero en algún futuro, tal vez! Pero tengo que avisar ahora queee, le cambié un poco el diseño hahdhs pero solo la máscara jaaaa.
El programa que uso es Renpy! Y el paint tool Sai para los dibujos (sé que hay mejores programas para dibujar en digital, pero lo mío con el Sai es algo serio,,,, no lo puedo soltar).
Cuando hagas tu novela, avísameeeee, me encantaría jugarla.
What kind of equipment and software do you use to draw, if I may ask ? (I love ur drawings so much) :D
Hallooo I use the tablet Wacom Intuos anddd paint tool Sai haha
this game is fire !! Can't wait to see what's next, thank you so much for this great content :D
Ahhhhhh, lo quiero, me encanto, mi favorito es Nulla, espero que actualicen pronto, graciassss
SIN DUDA FAMES ES MI PERSONAJE FAVORITO WAAAA. Enserio quiero ver más de su personaje y en general de todos, la demo esta increible!!!!
I WILL come back again to draw more fanart... this is a warning >:)
Ohh nooo (PLEASE DO😻💕 I LOVE IT)
Loved them, they're all so very... Squishable
10/10 I will hunt you down if you don't make more of Nulla's route
"hat thing" -- Fames 2024
And please come back in one month, I will update the game in the end of August! Or maybe sooner
That is very good!
spectacular. give me 14 of them right now
comiste, devoraste, te comiste a dios, increible, la historia es bellísima me encanto, el arte es de lo mejor que he visto, este juego es de los mejores que he visto, la historia es tan buena y tan bien escrita que me me deja con la boca abierta, sigue devorando.
AHHH MUCHAS GRACIAS! no sabes lo bien que me hizo leer tu comentario. Espero que quieras saber más de la historia porque se vienen cositas jajaja.
A finales de agosto saldría la primera parte de todas las rutas!
do you accept fanart? (о´∀`о)
obviously! I would love to see it( ◜‿◝ )♡
If you do please tag me! or let me know via Twitter
I figured to just post it here since Twitter requires payments for new accounts to post (I dont have twitter (о´∀`о))
but here! I made a fanart of Nulla since he is the most interesting character for me, but I am very invested in the whole game!:D
your design for him is honestly super cool and I think he is very handsome (*゚∀゚*)
Do you have any social media where i can follow you? I really love how you draw💕
OMGGG THIS WAS RLLY INTERESTINGGG!!! I cant wait for new stuff abt this game:3!!
wait thsi game is still in the making right?:'>
Yeah! I'm almost finishing the script for each route. but due to work I have made slow progress.
I see, congratulations! Goodluck on the game progress and your personal work life!
Hehe I'm glad you liked it!
El concepto es muy interesante y novedoso. El poder de romper la cuarta pared es algo que encuentro divertido y el arte es muy bello. Me gusta el diseño de los personajes, son diversos entre sí y es muy facil diferenciarlos, aunque tengo mis dudas con Fames ( ╥ω╥ ). Pero el punto es que es un juego atrayente por su historia y diseño!! Me llena de curiosidad cómo podremos interactuar a futuro con los personajes, asi que ánimo porque está super!! ╰(▔∀▔)╯
Ahhhhh muchas gracias por tu comentario, no sabes lo bien que me hizo leerlo.
Y en cuanto a Fames, ajfjfj creo que le cambiaré el diseño ya que fue muy atrevido hacerlo así ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ), pido disculpas públicas a cualquiera que se haya sentido incómod@ con eso.
Por otro lado, vayan preparándose porque se viene lore ajdjajdj.
this game has a incredible potential, i am looking forward to the next updates
Thank you! I estimate that I will release an update next month✧\(>o<)ノ✧
Ajdjsjdjdj juro que fue de mame no más!
Termine de jugar la demo y quede totalmente maravillada, valió la pena pasármela estresada rompiéndome la cabeza pensando que elegiría, me encanta el argumento con el cual estamos empezando es realmente novedoso, el diseño de los personajes de verdad lo ame (me encanto Nulla siento que tiene un leve parecido a Vincent de dead plate y eso hizo que lo amara el doble) y extrañamente el punto que más adore fueron los temas musicales me la pase bailando como por 5 minutos el tema de la ruta de Unum por lo pegadiza que es. Esperare por la segunda parte, estoy realmente intrigada con la trama y quiero saber más de todo este temaa.
Uyyy con Unum se vienen cositas ajfjdjfj. Me alegra que te haya gustado la demo. La segunda parte estaría llegando dentro de un messs, ya tengo el guión y todo.
Por último, Muchas gracias por tu comentario ( ˘ ³˘)♥
oohhh this is actually really good! I love the concept! (And the hot men -COUGH COUGH-) THE ART IS SO GOOODDD :DD
Cant wait for the gull game!!
Thank youuuu💕, the hot men are the reason I made this game hahaha.
Its a good enough reason!! 💕✨
really enjoy this, i especially like the lore! the art is gorgeous too ^^
El juego es muy interesante y el arte es literalmente ( ˘ ³˘)♥ precioso, es muy interesante y no puedo esperar para saber más lore. 10/10
La demo del juego es increíble, los dibujos son hermosos y la historia es fascinante, espero que puedas continuarlo, te felicito, todo en general está precioso :)
the art style looks so tasty!!- like as in very cool
i cant wait to see more!
se ve tan genial! el pedo es q no se abre el juego en Mac 😭
NoOoo, te dice algo al intentar ejecutarlo o de plano no abre? De igual manera estoy viendo una solución para que sea una descarga a parte para los que tengan Mac... Pues parece que al estar todo en la misma carpeta hace conflicto con Mac.
Estaré atenta!
de plano no abre, toma el tiempo que necesites! El juego se ve increíble muero por jugarlo! Muchísimas gracias!
Qué raro :(
Me puedes decir lo que pasa en concreto? Para saber si el problema está en la aplicación o en el fichero de los archivos que están comprimidos?
Estaré atenta!
I am honestly quite drawn with the artwork, the warmth of it is amazing, yet chilling for some unknown reason, as if to appear to look like they have a life but truly do not at the heart of it. The storyline seemed to be pretty good as well, overall I hope to get more updates and see what is to come, there is a lot of potential.
I decided to do a little something and yap endlessly with Unum, who was surprisingly positive about it? I thought he'd cut off the puppet's tongue and be the only one to talk or so. I did it with Septem and he didn't kill me which was a surprise as well. Either ways, I'm quite looking forward to their "dates"? As well as whoever is to come in the future.Untranslated areas, bugs and other issues:
https://snipboard.io/YbTjRI.jpg < this happens when we choose to keep our eyes closed.https://snipboard.io/eFAvha.jpg < happens when we choose our name
https://snipboard.io/kXKnqx.jpg < this one misses a T at the start of the word
https://snipboard.io/06SgWQ.jpg < It’d be control here than controls, obtained when you talk with Septum and Unum
https://snipboard.io/YU54NC.jpg < Occurs as a dialog option when choosing between them (Septem v/s Unum where Nulla can also be involved).
Thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you liked it!
A little question, were you able to enter Nulla's "route"?
Anddd thank you very much for informing me of the problems with the translation, I will fix them as soon as I can!
As for Nulla’s route, I don’t think so. I entered in and if I chose to introduce myself as the player and choose Nulla, the game stops (of course) and if I normally introduced myself and then chose Nulla, he dismissed me and doesn’t become an option.
Either ways, I’m looking forward to the update!
I think I made the way to access that route a little complicated haha.... I will change it in the future!
If you would like to do Nulla's route: Try to start a new game and get to where you find Nulla for the first time... after opening your eyes, And Ta channn you got the preview of Nulla's route.
If you do it (and want of course), please tell me what you think <3
Oh, of course I’d do it! I checked it out and it was unexpected, reminded me of Monika a bit honestly. I had no idea he’d even wipe off his own memory like that, I hope we get more of his route because the how factor is interesting. From what I remember, he also mentions being stuck in a loop, which makes me believe that we as players have tinkered with the game more times than we are aware of.