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how it feels to know u finished the game


I absolutely loved this game <333 It took me 3 days to complete act 2 lol (1 day for each character). And Nulla…oh my god hes precious…i love him so much help…i cried when he sent the letter</33 Sometimes i wish i could jump from the screen to his world and give him all the love he deserves :’( (except when he deleted my files, all 12 pages </3 /j) I also enjoyed unums route, it wasnt intentionally the one i wanted but it was sweet : ) Your game is so amazing, much love !


I'm really looking forward to it. When Septem and I were about to give up the puppet, he told me that there was no need to explain, but he didn't look at me for a second. Is this a foreshadowing? I'm really looking forward to it.

Very good game, even if I need to use translation to understand it, I still insist on playing it. I really like Septem.He always keeps the pressure to himself.


I love this game so much oml

every route is IMMACULATE I just can't get enough of it :)


Unum is so peak


It's probably too brazen of me to write something in my language... I just want to say that I love Nulla. Can I propose to him? To talk? He is an exception to my love for little boys (I mean the Wanderer from Genshin). The reason is not yet fully understood.. And why does he like the player? Of course, I can accept his love anyway, but as if there must be a reason.... Hmmmmm...


Хочу больше каких-то отсылок, что Нулла и правда может управлять игрой и запоминать, например, какие-то прохождения возможно. Ещё, очевидно, хочу больше Нуллы. Как ему сказать, что я его люблю? Хочу такую опцию. И обниматься с ним побольше. А так пока моя любимая новелла(очевидно почему, а вернее из-за кого). Хочу Нуллу в реальности :_> Можно к нему как-нибудь попасть? ааааааааа я плакать буду.... Концовка с отцом мне нравится, А ТАКЖЕ ХОЧУ ПОСМОТРЕТЬ НА БИТВУ НУЛЛЫ И СЕПТЕМА В КОНЦОВКЕ СЕПТЕМА. Хочу больше разговаривать с Нуллоооой.... аааааааааааааа Автор игры, я Вас люблю, надеюсь у Вас будут силы закончить новеллу побыстрее. Также хочу нарисовать арт с Нуллой, но болею болезнью под названием "оригинал - самое лучшее", не могу себе позволить нарисовать его так, как могу. Хочу, чтобы он был идеален...(как в игре) спасити... Автора целую в лоб. Всё. Бай.

Дружище...... мы все здесь из-за него. не осуждаем, понимаем



(1 edit) (+2)

damn okay


so real

(1 edit) (+2)

XDD the puppet- it's soo cute-

.>. it was kinda confusing sometimes on who was talking.. me or puppet...

(1 edit)

Hello Everyone  sharing this here again bc of the new update  We have a Discord 18+ server that was made only for members aged 18 or older

💬 Important: Please get in touch with our moderators to verify your age after joining the18+ Server. 

✨ A Reminder: Please be respectful and kind to everyone here, especially the creator. Harassment will not be tolerated. Let’s keep this a positive and supportive space for everyone!

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Буду писать на русском, хочу, чтобы автор знал, что и такие люди есть. И нет, я не буду жаловаться из-за того, что нет русификации(ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, НЕ ДЕЛАЙТЕ РУСИФИКАЦИЮ) или по другой какой-нибудь ерунде. Хочу сказать автору, что он очень большой молодец, могу представить каких усилий стоит сделать эту прекрасную игру. Мне очень нравится, просто обожаю её. Я делаю свою новеллу и хотелось бы очень оставить отсылку на вашу игру. Думали о мерче? Я, как коллекционер фигурок, очень хочу фигурку Нулла... Передавайте ему отдельный привет... Я его обожаю просто, спасибо за создание такого персонажа. Идея, сюжет, исполнение. В игре и правда хорошо всё. Ещё раз похвалю автора, ещё раз скажу, что очень люблю Нулла, и можно прощаться.

holaa <3 la verdad estoy re feliz de haber encontrado tu juego y poder apoyar a un creador hispanohablante!! amo realmente el estilo y las pequeñas animaciones, el lore también está super interesante y tengo muchas teorías asjdkajsd 


absolutely in love with Nulla but u know what ? the puppet ! i love the puppet even more!!!! ;w; theyre so cuteeeee please the way they act like we are their god is just  hdcdjijdnksa;k waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


i think i like quinque more than unum guys💔


En definitiva uno de mis juegos favoritos🤩pero quería ver si alguien me podría orientar para llegar al ”final” digo yo, en donde aparece nulla en la ruta de septem. Eh intentado varias veces conseguirlo pero no puedo, si alguien ya lo hizo me puede decir por favor 🙏


Greetings, I hope you’re doing great! I found this game through a Youtube playthrough, and wanted to experience it myself instead of scouring for someone playing every option. However, I was unable to download it, as “no compatible files” were found. I have noticed another comment mentioning the issue, as well as one mentioning that the labeling of compatibility might be the issue.

I’m not explaining this well, so basically:

This is the explanation I found. I’m not sure if this is valid, and I apologize if this is rude in any way. I just really want to be able to experience your beautiful game and out of persistence, I’d prefer to work through these issues instead of give up. Have a nice day.

Later date addition: If anyone reading the prior comment is feeling particularly helpful or is also experiencing these issues, please help get this to the creator’s attention by reposting this to Twitter. I do not have an account there, so I’m afraid I’ll need to depend on everyone’s assistance :,). Thank you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I just checked, but this game, To Eat a God has the logo next to the download options? the screenshot you showed was for Mushroom Oasis, not sure if you were looking for that one or not, but the creator of that game has a Tumblr, and Soffis, who created To Eat a God, I believe has a Twitter account, in case either of those are helpful to you?


It seems as though the issue is now gone! Uncertain if this was a change on my or the app’s part, but either way, it’s working. Thank you for responding with advice, stranger, it was kind of you.


Gracias por la gran actualización!! No esperaba que fuera tan grande, pero fue muy agradable sorpresa (。^▽^)

Fue una bomba de lore que se aprecia muchísimo (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

La mitología de este universo me enloqueció, tiene tanto contenido que considero que se aplica un poco de horror cósmico, eso es genial!!

Me gusta mucho que las tres rutas sean tan distintas entre sí, ya que le aporta mucha profundidad a la historia y personajes ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

Siento que es muy diferente a las típicas novelas visuales yandere, lo cual es bueno!! Muy refrescante (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Sigue así!! Mientras Eat A God exista, seré fan Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

I LOVE ITT!! Soffis, you better cook up a comic with them...........


The way I rushed to download this game because of Nulla but then stumbled like a failure because of Unum?!?!?! The man you are Unum😩😩😩

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I absolutely adore this game, and I'm completely in love with Nulla, though I haven't completed his route yet, it made me cry again and I had to take a break, I'm also curious, when Nulla asks your favourite word, is there any easter eggs for that? 🥰

I would say I wish there was a happy ending with Nulla, but given the entire premise of his route, I don't see that happening, and I have cried more than once already while playing 😅


LOVE THIS GAME!!!! A fun thing to see is what would Nulla say if you made his name your fave word :) I think that would be cuuute 


Dating sim and meta.. I have truly been blessed.


Also, as an Arabian, I love how the children's names are sun and light in Arabic! It feels good to be seen.

I love the art style and the story, and I especially like the ending: good end: ???

oh wait your arab ? 

Yep. :)


Definitivamente una obra maestra es este juego, lo recomiendo, está muy bien hecho y que rompa la cuarta pared casi todo el tiempo lo hace aún mejor, amé este juego y también a Nulla, esperaré con ansias los actos que faltan <3.


I usually don't like forth wall break stuff but that got interesting.

Hey, I tried downloading the game and it says that no compatible files were found. Just a heads up.


love the game so much and nulla is one of my fav boy in the game can't wait for act 3


i deadass bawled my eyes out i love my children with unum so much i was so distraught when i couldn't hold them when they were first born.

*Asking for help and spoilers involved*
English is not my native language, please forgive my grammatical errors.

I accidentally went through the 'Watch the Creator's Memories' route and got 'Nulla's Letter'.
Then I no longer had the option of becoming Nulla's apprentice.This is true even if I delete the file and download it again.
(I haven't even tried the dating content yet. TOT)

Does anyone know why?


When first introducing yourself to Septem and Unum, did you tell them you're a puppet? Because i made the mistake of not doing that as well, you have to tell them you are a puppet, before you can select Nulla's name I think?

Ah! This is really how it works, and now I can see Nulla again.
Thank you so much!


no problem, I had the same problem to begin with, glad I could help 😊 





 i noticed this game a moment ago but when i played it oh lordy im in love, the choices that really DOES matter, designs, and characters  are wondeful! id love to even pay to see the full story of this game but none the less cant wait for act 3!!


Just finished all the routes and found every single ending! I had so much fun playing! Can't wait for ACT 3!!! 


I LOVE NULA!!1111!!!!111111!111!111!!!1!!1


I noticed this game long ago but played it only today. I really liked it. The plot is SO interesting I can't wait for the next update! I also liked that the characters broke the 4 wall and all this thing with religion. fuck I REALLY like the releigion games and all that has it in. First I played unum's route so I didn't understood much but then went to null and septem and.. fuck it's so interesting. I can't wait for the update I want to know what happened next and I'm sooo excited abt it! ughh I wanna cry it's so good. It's one of my favourite games now! thank u for this game. OH i forgot to tell about artstyle. IT'S SO good. And I like the idea that null's house is like a sketch lol

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