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THANK YOU! The story and our 'character' instantly hooked me in. I loved thinking about and piecing together references made throughout the game. Can't wait for future updates!


Ngl I thought it would be horror or something, but it's romance.

(1 edit) (+2)

I adore this in almost every single way! I happened to play the perhaps "best" route order on my first try (Unum -> Septem -> Nulla), and the way the lore unfolds across the three routes is just perfect (*chef's kiss*). Everything about the game speaks to the amount of effort you have put into it. The PLOT, the sprites, the music, the CGs ... Oh god, the CGs!

I was feeling a bit bad after making a certain choice in Unum's route because that guy is just a brat child who doesn't know better, and then a certain CG came up, which made me laugh every single time I remember it. Speaking of which, just a tiny suggestion: Would it be possible to add a CG gallery to the game, too? Your art is truly gorgeous, and I'd love to revisit them from time to time. :) But no pressure, of course.

All in all, I can't believe this is just Act 1, and I just can't wait to see what you may develop in the future!



the art is so good

love this game so far :D


I llike this game!!

(1 edit) (+4)

PSLSSPLSPLSPSSL MAKE MORE OMG I LOVE NULLA IM GONNA BREAKDOWN um also is Nulla's outfit brown or dark red...

(1 edit) (+3)

Hello everyone, Sirius here! This is the regular repost of the discord link so that new members can find the To Eat A God discord server! We have the creator in here too ;D I'll try to repost this link every month so that y'all will hopefully see this and join the community. Everyone is welcome!


raritos como a mi me gustan 10/10

(1 edit) (+2)

ı REALLY liked the concept of our vessel being another character. BUT GİRLYPOP SHUT UP! ı am LİTTERALLY trying to kill someone for U to live a happy ever after with the candy you were eyeing (and not gonna lie... good choice, ı respect ya, you know ur mans) earlier AND U ARE TRYİNG TO GET URSELF KİLLED???!!!! ı understand you are ur own person but we are fvcking around with the DEİTİES HERE. anyways, our puppet is a bit recless but ı honestly REALLY look forward to see what kind of relationship player will have with them. ı like em already, they are like that one friend that stirs up trouble without knowing, but with pure intentions, plus they are chill. 

unum route... was strangely as excpected, while it wasnt. sure, it had less elements of mystery, but it definitely wasnt boring or not entertaing. always mystery and always heavieness chokes a person u know? ı get exhausted sometimes while playing mystery. and unum, while not having much mystery, never tired me. ı was waiting for next text to appear because he was like an orange house cat lol.

AND NULLA İS INE OF THE MOST PREAİCOUS CHARACTER I HAVE EVR SEEN. I WOULD ABSOLUTELY KİLL FOR HİM. such a gentlemen AND he is attentive PLUS he is the perfect mix of green flangs with a small twinge of red? I WİSH MEN WERE REAL. but other then the characters, ı LOVE THE ART. seriously. excpressions DOES NOT dissapoint. ıt truly shocked me how well it was drawn AND how much art it had. GREATLY helps with immersion and ı make save files just to apreiciete the art. anyway, ı yapped too much so ı guess ıll return to my play

HIII, This is actually a very interesting game that I found, There's only one chapter for now, right?  Because there's no option to continue the story, is there a possible date for an update? please take your time while doing it as well <3

update when?



usually i dont like visual novels but i got madly fun ending with crying unum and knife thing) hehe thanks :3

so good & cool, i really hope you continue this game!!

spoiler warning(?) + question

is there any way to go back to Nulla's route after rejecting his offer? i can play through the others' routes after nulla closed my game but he keeps saying 'i don't have that power' if i choose him in the begining.


just figured it out!! you need to introduce yourself as a player :)


T^T Simplemente amo la novela, esta muy buena, amo a los personajes, me encanta que sea un concepto poco visto o utilizado en novelas y no puedo esperar a ver cómo continua 


Uunm is so darn adorable in a mad scientist way. yet still can't cook for his wives sake.... are we his test subject or will we be one of his wives???

fr I love all of them Nulla is hella hot dude and septem is.... uhh well he is not as adorable for my liking but he is cool nonetheless

love this VN! you did a good job!

DIOOOOS, AMO. Espero ver como continúan algunas cosas (●'◡'●)



OMGGGGG. This Visual Novel is one of my favorites fr! I can't describe how I feel about this in words. I'm glad discovered this visual novel on someone's channel! No regrets. Nulla for life (and also Septem) :)).


Me encantó, muchas ganas de ver como evoluciona!! ❤💕👀


literally screaming crying and rolling for Nulla he's so silly i love him (and i have a feeling I'll love Unum as well-) tysm for making this, looking forward for updates!!

Nulla es muy.. si, buen juego gracias <3.




hello hello!! To the game’s creator, is it okay if I ask a question regarding the lore? Thank you!


the creator is easier to reach on the discord if you would like to join :D

okei, pero si tu novio luce como nulla y se hace llamar x el nombre d nulla lamento decirte que ese no es tu novio, es mio >:-)

Buen trabajo wau!! Ay algun errores en ingles pero no me afecto mi tiempo con el juego. Espero tener mas tiempo con Nulla~ 


Unum awakened something feral in me, idk what it is




This is the best visual novel I've played so far I loved it so much, I seriously can't wait for more !!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

Look at this bad bish I pulled out by being autistic /jk

Slay, look at this bad bish I pulled out by being autistic /jk

10/10 route, didn't expect the baby. Love Unum, bro's such a dumbaas


OMGGGG it's definitely one of the best games i've played!!!!!

i'm obsessed with nulla (he's sooo husband material 😭😭❤❤) and the way it is characterized

and the aesthetics of the game are so beaultiful, the art is perfect!!! i can't wait for the update!!!!


this game looks like the only game i will pay for. please update. im dying. 


ITS AMAZING WOW! I JUST FINISHED PLAYING, really nice, I loved the art, music, the routes and the worldbuilding! Everything's so cool, seriously, creators did a wonderful job, thank you a lot

I wanna cry im inlove with it. You are so talented i just wanna hug you and thank you. 🫂


the question mark good ending had me wheezing LMAO favourite ending so far 

Me gusto mucho el juego y espero con mucho la actualización. :3
Pero tengo una duda ¿por que a Unum lo llamas el niño roblox? xd
Pd: Ya se los recomendé a mis amigas, les gusto mucho, esperemos por mas!!!

Ajdjsjd que bueno que te haya gustado.

Lo de Unum niño Roblox es un chiste interno que tengo. HHeadcanon: Unum juega Roblox y le gusta el juego dress to impress por el mero hecho de ganarle a los demás haha.

Ahora tengo curiosidad, ¿Qué headcanones tienes con Septem y Nulla? :0

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