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Ajdjsjdjdj juro que fue de mame no más!

Termine de jugar la demo y quede totalmente maravillada, valió la pena pasármela estresada rompiéndome la cabeza pensando que elegiría, me encanta el argumento con el cual estamos empezando es realmente novedoso, el diseño de los personajes de verdad lo ame (me encanto Nulla siento que tiene un leve parecido a Vincent de dead plate y eso hizo que lo amara el doble) y extrañamente el punto que más adore fueron los temas musicales me la pase bailando como por 5 minutos el tema de la ruta de Unum por lo pegadiza que es. Esperare por la segunda parte, estoy realmente intrigada con la trama y quiero saber más de todo este temaa.

Uyyy con Unum se vienen cositas ajfjdjfj. Me alegra que te haya gustado la demo. La segunda parte estaría llegando dentro de un messs, ya tengo el guión y todo.

Por último, Muchas gracias por tu comentario (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


oohhh this is actually really good! I love the concept! (And the hot men -COUGH COUGH-) THE ART IS SO GOOODDD :DD 

Cant wait for the gull game!! 


Thank youuuu💕, the hot men are the reason I made this game hahaha.


Its a good enough reason!! 💕✨

really enjoy this, i especially like the lore! the art is gorgeous too ^^

El juego es muy interesante y el arte es literalmente (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ precioso, es muy interesante y no puedo esperar para saber más lore. 10/10

La demo del juego es increíble, los dibujos son hermosos y la historia es fascinante, espero que puedas continuarlo, te felicito, todo en general está precioso :)

the art style looks so tasty!!- like as in very cool
i cant wait to see more!

se ve tan genial! el pedo es q no se abre el juego en Mac 😭

NoOoo, te dice algo al intentar ejecutarlo o de plano no abre? De igual manera estoy viendo una solución para que sea una descarga a parte para los que tengan Mac... Pues parece que al estar todo en la misma carpeta hace conflicto con Mac.

Estaré atenta!

de plano no abre, toma el tiempo que necesites! El juego se ve increíble muero por jugarlo! Muchísimas gracias!

Deleted 109 days ago

Qué raro :( 

Me puedes decir lo que pasa en concreto? Para saber si el problema está en la aplicación o en el fichero de los archivos que están comprimidos?

Estaré atenta!

(4 edits)

I am honestly quite drawn with the artwork, the warmth of it is amazing, yet chilling for some unknown reason, as if to appear to look like they have a life but truly do not at the heart of it. The storyline seemed to be pretty good as well, overall I hope to get more updates and see what is to come, there is a lot of potential.

Story: I decided to do a little something and yap endlessly with Unum, who was surprisingly positive about it? I thought he'd cut off the puppet's tongue and be the only one to talk or so. I did it with Septem and he didn't kill me which was a surprise as well. Either ways, I'm quite looking forward to their "dates"? As well as whoever is to come in the future.
Untranslated areas, bugs and other issues: < this happens when we choose to keep our eyes closed. < happens when we choose our name < this one misses a T at the start of the word < It’d be control here than controls, obtained when you talk with Septum and Unum < Occurs as a dialog option when choosing between them (Septem v/s Unum where Nulla can also be involved).

Thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you liked it! 

A little question, were you able to enter Nulla's "route"?

Anddd thank you very much for informing me of the problems with the translation, I will fix them as soon as I can!

As for Nulla’s route, I don’t think so. I entered in and if I chose to introduce myself as the player and choose Nulla, the game stops (of course) and if I normally introduced myself and then chose Nulla, he dismissed me and doesn’t become an option.

Either ways, I’m looking forward to the update!



I think I made the way to access that route a little complicated haha.... I will change it in the future!

If you would like to do Nulla's route: Try to start a new game and get to where you find Nulla for the first time... after opening your eyes, And Ta channn you got the preview of Nulla's route.

If you do it (and want of course), please tell me what you think <3


Oh, of course I’d do it! I checked it out and it was unexpected, reminded me of Monika a bit honestly. I had no idea he’d even wipe off his own memory like that, I hope we get more of his route because the how factor is interesting. From what I remember, he also mentions being stuck in a loop, which makes me believe that we as players have tinkered with the game more times than we are aware of.

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